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Kerri Einarson’s lead ruled ineligible hours before start of Scotties

The Team Canada Kerri Einarson rink has taken a big hit just hours before they started pursuit of a fifth straight national championship.
Curling Canada has ruled her lead Briane Harris is ineligible to compete at the Scotties Tournament of Hearts, but gave no further explanation.
Curling Canada has been made aware that Briane Harris of Team Canada is ineligible to compete in the Scotties Tournament of Hearts. No further information is available at this time. There will be no further comment on this situation from Curling Canada or members of Team Canada.
— Curling Canada (@CurlingCanada) February 16, 2024

Einarson received her berth almost a year ago as the defending champions. Harris has played lead for all four of their national championships.
Global News reached out to Einarson via text message for an explanation as to why Harris was deemed ineligible.
“Sorry not at this time,” Einarson responded.
Their usual spare, Krysten Karwacki will step in to play lead for the week-long bonspiel.
Team Canada opens the event in Calgary against Quebec later on Friday.
